Bridging Residents And Communities

Southbridge CDC introduces Southbridge Connects …the Catalyst for Our Future Powered By The Community!
Southbridge Community Development Corporation is championing the mission…Southbridge Connects! Southbridge Connects’ mission is a commitment to actively involve neighborhood residents and organizations in leadership and self-sufficient community service. Southbridge Connects empowers local ownership, collaborates for sustainable growth, and holistic well-being. With proper attention and development, Southbridge will flourish into a remarkable and enviable community.
Join us in creating a future where the community thrives!
our mission
To create and support the local ownership of land, labor, and capital in the Southbridge Community!

Community Empowerment
Southbridge Connects empowers the community by actively involving residents and organizational principals in leadership and community service, ensuring a shared sense of ownership and impact.

Local Ownership
Southbridge Connects is committed to creating local ownership of land, labor, and capital, highlighting Southbridge Connects’ dedication to self-sustained growth within the community.

Holistic Well-Being
Southbridge Connects takes a comprehensive approach to well-being, focusing on health, housing, life sustaining work, reliable transportation, lifelong learning, and community unity and advocacy.
Join the SBCDC Renewal Movement!